Each customer can therefore get a unique airplane that best suits their needs. All Bristell airplanes are supplied with standard warranty and post-warranty service, including repairs and modifications.
Bristell B 23 Turbo
While the airplane looks very similar to the classic BRISTELL LSA, there is in fact far more to the new design. The fuselage is longer and the tail is larger, with an aluminium rudder; the flaps and stabiliser are bigger and more efficient; the composite main landing gear legs have been redesigned completely to be able to carry much higher loads than previous Bristell models; and the aircraft’s handling characteristics are much improved. In addition, a twin elevator trim tab function helps the pilot to optimise the forces on the control stick.Basic equipment includes steerable nose wheel and a BRS ballistic parachute rescue system. The standard equipped aircraft also meets night-VFR requirements and can be upgraded to meet IFR requirements.